Module ltempy.process

Basic image processing tools.

Expand source code
# ltempy is a set of LTEM analysis and simulation tools developed by WSP as a member of the McMorran Lab
# Copyright (C) 2021  William S. Parker
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

"""Basic image processing tools.

import os
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
from ._utils import _extend_and_fill_mirror
from warnings import warn

__all__ = ['high_pass', 'low_pass', 'gaussian_blur',
           'clip_data', 'shift_pos', 'outpath', 'multi', 'ndap']

def high_pass(data, cutoff=1 / 1024, dx=1, dy=1, padding=False):
    """Apply a high-pass filter to a 2d-array.


    * **data** : _complex ndarray_ <br />

    * **cutoff** : _number, optional_ <br />
    Cutoff frequency of the tophat filter
    or standard deviation of the gaussian filter, measured in inverse units. 
    If `dx` and `dy` are 1 (default), the unit is pixels. <br />
    Default is `cutoff = 1 / 1024`.

    * **dx** : _number, optional_ <br />
    Pixel spacing. <br />
    Default is `dx = 1`. 

    * **dy** : _number, optional_ <br />
    Pixel spacing. <br />
    Default is `dy = 1`. 

    * **padding** : _boolean, optional_ <br />
    Whether to zero-pad the input. Will use mirror padding if True. <br />
    Default is `padding = True`.


    * _complex ndarray_ <br />
    ds0, ds1 = data.shape[0], data.shape[1]
    if padding:
        bdata = _extend_and_fill_mirror(data)
        bdata = data
    X = np.fft.fftfreq(bdata.shape[1], dx)
    Y = np.fft.fftfreq(bdata.shape[0], dy)
    x, y = np.meshgrid(X, Y)

    g = np.zeros_like(x)

    g[x**2 + y**2 > cutoff**2] = 1
    g[x**2 + y**2 <= cutoff**2] = 0
    Fdata = np.fft.fft2(bdata)
    FFdata = np.fft.ifft2(g * Fdata)
    if padding:
        return(FFdata[ds0:2*ds0, ds1:2*ds1])

def low_pass(data, cutoff=1 / 4, dx=1, dy=1, padding=False):
    """Apply a low-pass filter to a 2d-array.


    * **data** : _complex ndarray_ <br />

    * **cutoff** : _number, optional_ <br />
    Cutoff frequency of the tophat filter
    or standard deviation of the gaussian filter, measured in inverse units. 
    If `dx` and `dy` are 1 (default), the unit is pixels. <br />
    Default is `cutoff = 1 / 4`.

    * **dx** : _number, optional_ <br />
    Pixel spacing. <br />
    Default is `dx = 1`. 

    * **dy** : _number, optional_ <br />
    Pixel spacing. <br />
    Default is `dy = 1`. 

    * **padding** : _boolean, optional_ <br />
    Whether to zero-pad the input. Will use mirror padding if True. <br />
    Default is `padding = True`.


    * _complex ndarray_ <br />
    ds0, ds1 = data.shape[0], data.shape[1]
    if padding:
        bdata = _extend_and_fill_mirror(data)
        bdata = data
    X = np.fft.fftfreq(bdata.shape[1], dx)
    Y = np.fft.fftfreq(bdata.shape[0], dy)
    x, y = np.meshgrid(X, Y)

    g = np.zeros_like(x)

    g[x**2 + y**2 < cutoff**2] = 1
    g[x**2 + y**2 >= cutoff**2] = 0
    Fdata = np.fft.fft2(bdata)
    FFdata = np.fft.ifft2(g * Fdata)
    if padding:
        return(FFdata[ds0:2*ds0, ds1:2*ds1])

def gaussian_blur(data, blur_radius=1, padding = True):
    """Apply a Gaussian blur to the data. 


    * **data** : _complex ndarray_ <br />

    * **blur_radius** : _number, optional_ <br />
    The standard deviation of the Gaussian kernel, measured in pixels. <br />
    Default is `blur_radius = 1`.

    * **padding** : _boolean, optional_ <br />
    Whether to zero-pad the input. Will use mirror padding if True. <br />
    Default is `padding = True`.


    * _complex ndarray_ <br />
    ds0, ds1 = data.shape[0], data.shape[1]
    if padding:
        bdata = _extend_and_fill_mirror(data)
        bdata = data
    X = np.fft.fftfreq(bdata.shape[1], 1)
    Y = np.fft.fftfreq(bdata.shape[0], 1)
    x, y = np.meshgrid(X, Y)

    g = np.exp(-2 * np.pi**2 * blur_radius**2 * (x**2 + y**2))

    Fdata = np.fft.fft2(bdata)
    FFdata = np.fft.ifft2(g * Fdata)
    if padding:
        return(FFdata[ds0:2*ds0, ds1:2*ds1])

def multi(data, opts, dx=1, dy=1):
    """Perform multiple filters at once, but only performs one Fourier / inverse Fourier transform. 

    * **data** : _complex ndarray_ <br />

    * **opts** : _dictionary_ <br />
    A dictionary containing the processing to perform. Format is 
      'gaussian_blur': {'blur_radius': n},
      'high_pass': {'cutoff': m},
      'low_pass': {'cutoff': l}
    Include a filter simply by including it as a key. If a filter is included, 
    its parameters must match the format above. 

    * **dx** : _float, optional_ <br />
    Pixel spacing. <br />
    Default is `dx = 1`.

    * **dy** : _float, optional_ <br />
    Pixel spacing. <br />
    Default is `dy = 1`.


    * _complex ndarray_ <br />
    ds0, ds1 = data.shape[0], data.shape[1]
    bdata = _extend_and_fill_mirror(data)
    X = np.fft.fftfreq(bdata.shape[1], dx)
    Y = np.fft.fftfreq(bdata.shape[0], dy)
    x, y = np.meshgrid(X, Y)
    Fdata = np.fft.fft2(bdata)
    g = np.ones_like(Fdata)
    if "gaussian_blur" in opts:
      g = g * np.exp(-2 * np.pi**2 * opts['gaussian_blur']['blur_radius']**2 * (x**2 + y**2))
    if "high_pass" in opts:
      g[x**2 + y**2 <= opts['high_pass']['cutoff']**2] = 0
    if "low_pass" in opts:
      g[x**2 + y**2 >= opts['low_pass']['cutoff']**2] = 0
    FFdata = np.fft.ifft2(g * Fdata)
    return(FFdata[ds0:2*ds0, ds1:2*ds1])


def clip_data(data, sigma=5):
    """Clip data to a certain number of standard deviations from its average.


    * **data** : _complex ndarray_ <br />

    * **sigma** : _number, optional_ <br />
    Number of standard deviations from average to clip to. <br />
    Default is `sigma = 5`.


    * _complex ndarray_ <br />
    avg = np.mean(data)
    stdev = np.std(data)
    vmin = avg - sigma*stdev
    vmax = avg + sigma*stdev
    out = data.copy()
    out[out < vmin] = vmin
    out[out > vmax] = vmax

def shift_pos(data):
    """Shift data to be positive.


    * **data** : _ndarray_ <br />
    Dtype must be real.


    * _ndarray_
    return(data - np.min(data))

def outpath(datadir, outdir, fname, create=False):
    """A util to get the output filename.

    An example is easiest to explain:

    datadir: `/abs/path/to/data`

    fname: `/abs/path/to/data/plus/some/structure/too.dm3`

    outdir: `/where/i/want/to/write/data`

    This util can create the folder (if it doesn't exist):


    and return the filename:



    * **datadir** : _string_ <br />
    The directory for the experiment's data.

    * **outdir** : _string_ <br />
    The main directory where you want outputs to go.

    * **fname** : _string_ <br />
    The name of the file in datadir.

    * **create** : _boolean, optional_ <br />
    Whether to create the output directory. <br />
    Default is `create = False`.


    * _PurePath_ <br />
    The name of the file to save (without a suffix).
    fname = os.path.splitext(fname)[0]
    subpath = os.path.relpath(os.path.dirname(fname), datadir)
    finoutdir = os.path.join(outdir, subpath)
    if create:
        if not os.path.exists(finoutdir):
    return(Path(os.path.join(finoutdir, os.path.basename(fname))))

class ndap(np.ndarray):
    """A class that adds all the image processing methods to `np.ndarray`.

    The purpose of this class is just so you can write `myarray.high_pass().low_pass()`
    instead of `myarray = high_pass(low_pass(myarray))`.

    If `x` and `y` are given, then `dx` and `dy` are calculated and stored. 
    They will default to `dx = 1` and `dy = 1`, and will be used in `low_pass()`, 
    `high_pass()`, etc, unless specified otherwise in the function call. 


    * **data** : _complex ndarray_ <br />
    Any type of ndarray - the methods are defined with a 2d array in mind.

    * **x** : _ndarray_ <br />
    The x coordinates associated with the array data. 
    Must be a 1-dimensional ndarray with `len(x) == data.shape[1]`. 
    Note that `x` is associated with the second axis, to match the 
    convention of `meshgrid`.

    * **y** : _ndarray_ <br />
    The y coordinates associated with the array data. 
    Must be a 1-dimensional ndarray with 'len(y) == data.shape[0]`. 
    Note that `y` is associated with the first axis, to match the 
    convention of `meshgrid`.

    ## __new__ and __array_finalize__ are directly from numpy docs
    ## their example is almost identical to this
    ## subclassing numpy arrays
    def __new__(cls, data, x=None, y=None):
        obj = np.asarray(data, dtype=data.dtype).copy().view(cls)
        if x is None:
          obj.x = np.arange(data.shape[1])
          obj.dx = obj.x[1] - obj.x[0]
          try: sel = obj.shape[1] != x.shape[0] or len(x.shape) != 1
          except: raise Exception("x must be a 1-dimensional numpy.ndarray. ")
          if sel:
            raise Exception("x shape must match the data's 1st axis. ")
          obj.x = x
          obj.dx = x[1] - x[0]
        if y is None:
          obj.y = np.arange(data.shape[0])
          obj.dy = obj.y[1] - obj.y[0]
          try: sel = obj.shape[0] != y.shape[0] or len(y.shape) != 1
          except: raise Exception("y must be a 1-dimensional numpy.ndarray. ")
          if sel:
            raise Exception("y shape must match the data's 1st axis. ")
          obj.y = y
          obj.dy = y[1] - y[0]
        obj.isComplex = np.iscomplexobj(data)
        return obj

    def __array_finalize__(self, obj):
      if obj is None: return
      self.x = getattr(obj, 'x', None)
      self.y = getattr(obj, 'y', None)
      self.dx = getattr(obj, 'dx', None)
      self.dy = getattr(obj, 'dy', None)
      self.isComplex = getattr(obj, 'isComplex', None)

    def high_pass(self, cutoff=1 / 1024, dx=None, dy=None, padding=False):
        """Apply a high-pass filter to a 2d-array.


        * **cutoff** : _number, optional_ <br />
        Cutoff frequency of the tophat filter
        or standard deviation of the gaussian filter, measured in inverse units. 
        If `dx` and `dy` are 1 (default), the unit is pixels. <br />
        Default is `cutoff = 1 / 1024`.

        * **dx** : _number, optional_ <br />
        Pixel spacing. <br />
        Default is `dx = self.dx`. 

        * **dy** : _number, optional_ <br />
        Pixel spacing. <br />
        Default is `dy = self.dy`. 

        * **padding** : _boolean, optional_ <br />
        Whether to zero-pad the input. Uses mirror padding if True. <br />
        Default is `padding = False`.


        * _ndap_ <br />
        if dx is None:
          dx = self.dx
        if dy is None:
          dy = self.dy
        if self.isComplex:
            self[:, :] = high_pass(self, cutoff, dx, dy, padding)
            self[:, :] = np.real(high_pass(self, cutoff, dx, dy, padding))

    def low_pass(self, cutoff=1 / 4, dx=None, dy=None, padding=False):
        """Apply a low-pass filter to a 2d-array.


        * **cutoff** : _number, optional_ <br />
        Cutoff frequency of the tophat filter
        or standard deviation of the gaussian filter, measured in inverse units. 
        If `dx` and `dy` are 1 (default), the unit is pixels. <br />
        Default is `cutoff = 1 / 4`.

        * **dx** : _number, optional_ <br />
        Pixel spacing. <br />
        Default is `dx = self.dx`. 

        * **dy** : _number, optional_ <br />
        Pixel spacing. <br />
        Default is `dy = self.dy`. 

        * **padding** : _boolean, optional_ <br />
        Whether to zero-pad the input. Uses mirror padding if True. <br />
        Default is `padding = False`.


        * _ndap_ <br />
        if dx is None:
          dx = self.dx
        if dy is None:
          dy = self.dy
        if self.isComplex:
            self[:, :] = low_pass(self, cutoff, dx, dy, padding)
            self[:, :] = np.real(low_pass(self, cutoff, dx, dy, padding))

    def multi(self, opts, dx=None, dy=None):
        """Perform multiple filters at once. Only performs one Fourier / inverse Fourier transform. 

        * **data** : _complex ndarray_ <br />

        * **opts** : _dictionary_ <br />
        A dictionary containing the processing to perform. Format is 
          'gaussian_blur': {'blur_radius': n},
          'high_pass': {'cutoff': m},
          'low_pass': {'cutoff': l}
        . Include a filter simply by including it as a key. If a filter is included, 
        its parameters must match the format above. 

        * **dx** : _float, optional_ <br />
        Pixel spacing. <br />
        Default is `dx = self.dx`.

        * **dy** : _float, optional_ <br />
        Pixel spacing. <br />
        Default is `dy = self.dy`.


        * _complex ndarray_ <br />
        if dx is None:
          dx = self.dx
        if dy is None:
          dy = self.dy
        if self.isComplex:
          self[:, :] = multi(self, opts, dx, dy)
          self[:, :] = np.real(multi(self, opts, dx, dy))

    def gaussian_blur(self, blur_radius=1, padding=True):
        """Apply a Gaussian blur to the data. 


        * **data** : _complex ndarray_ <br />

        * **blur_radius** : _number, optional_ <br />
        The standard deviation of the Gaussian kernel, measured in pixels. <br />
        Default is `blur_radius = 1`.

        * **padding** : _boolean, optional_ <br />
        Whether to zero-pad the input. Uses mirror padding if True. <br />
        Default is `padding = False`.


        * _ndap_ <br />
        if self.isComplex:
            self[:, :] = gaussian_blur(self, blur_radius, padding)
            self[:, :] = np.real(gaussian_blur(self, blur_radius, padding))
    def get_window(self, window, step=1):
      """Get a windowed section of data. 


      * **window** : _tuple_ <br />
      [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]. Note that these are the x and y values, not their indices. 
      Also note that the default x and y attributes of the ndap object are just its indices. 


      * _ndap_ <br />
      A 2d ndap with the windowed data and new axes.
      argxmin = np.argmin(np.abs(self.x - window[0]))
      argxmax = np.argmin(np.abs(self.x - window[1]))
      argymin = np.argmin(np.abs(self.y - window[2]))
      argymax = np.argmin(np.abs(self.y - window[3]))
      xout = self.x[argxmin:argxmax:step].copy()
      yout = self.y[argymin:argymax:step].copy()
      dout = ndap(self[argymin:argymax:step, argxmin:argxmax:step].copy(), x=xout, y=yout)

    def clip_data(self, sigma=5):
        """Clip data to a certain number of standard deviations from its average.


        * **sigma** : _number, optional_ <br />
        Number of standard deviations from average to clip to. <br />
        Default is `sigma = 5`.


        * _ndap_ <br />
        self[:, :] = clip_data(self, sigma)

    def shift_pos(self):
        """Shift data to be positive.


        * _ndap_ <br />
        if self.isComplex:
            print("Positive shift not applied to complex data.")
        self[:, :] = shift_pos(self)


def clip_data(data, sigma=5)

Clip data to a certain number of standard deviations from its average.


  • data : complex ndarray

  • sigma : number, optional
    Number of standard deviations from average to clip to.
    Default is sigma = 5.


  • complex ndarray
Expand source code
def clip_data(data, sigma=5):
    """Clip data to a certain number of standard deviations from its average.


    * **data** : _complex ndarray_ <br />

    * **sigma** : _number, optional_ <br />
    Number of standard deviations from average to clip to. <br />
    Default is `sigma = 5`.


    * _complex ndarray_ <br />
    avg = np.mean(data)
    stdev = np.std(data)
    vmin = avg - sigma*stdev
    vmax = avg + sigma*stdev
    out = data.copy()
    out[out < vmin] = vmin
    out[out > vmax] = vmax
def gaussian_blur(data, blur_radius=1, padding=True)

Apply a Gaussian blur to the data.


  • data : complex ndarray

  • blur_radius : number, optional
    The standard deviation of the Gaussian kernel, measured in pixels.
    Default is blur_radius = 1.

  • padding : boolean, optional
    Whether to zero-pad the input. Will use mirror padding if True.
    Default is padding = True.


  • complex ndarray
Expand source code
def gaussian_blur(data, blur_radius=1, padding = True):
    """Apply a Gaussian blur to the data. 


    * **data** : _complex ndarray_ <br />

    * **blur_radius** : _number, optional_ <br />
    The standard deviation of the Gaussian kernel, measured in pixels. <br />
    Default is `blur_radius = 1`.

    * **padding** : _boolean, optional_ <br />
    Whether to zero-pad the input. Will use mirror padding if True. <br />
    Default is `padding = True`.


    * _complex ndarray_ <br />
    ds0, ds1 = data.shape[0], data.shape[1]
    if padding:
        bdata = _extend_and_fill_mirror(data)
        bdata = data
    X = np.fft.fftfreq(bdata.shape[1], 1)
    Y = np.fft.fftfreq(bdata.shape[0], 1)
    x, y = np.meshgrid(X, Y)

    g = np.exp(-2 * np.pi**2 * blur_radius**2 * (x**2 + y**2))

    Fdata = np.fft.fft2(bdata)
    FFdata = np.fft.ifft2(g * Fdata)
    if padding:
        return(FFdata[ds0:2*ds0, ds1:2*ds1])
def high_pass(data, cutoff=0.0009765625, dx=1, dy=1, padding=False)

Apply a high-pass filter to a 2d-array.


  • data : complex ndarray

  • cutoff : number, optional
    Cutoff frequency of the tophat filter or standard deviation of the gaussian filter, measured in inverse units. If dx and dy are 1 (default), the unit is pixels.
    Default is cutoff = 1 / 1024.

  • dx : number, optional
    Pixel spacing.
    Default is dx = 1.

  • dy : number, optional
    Pixel spacing.
    Default is dy = 1.

  • padding : boolean, optional
    Whether to zero-pad the input. Will use mirror padding if True.
    Default is padding = True.


  • complex ndarray
Expand source code
def high_pass(data, cutoff=1 / 1024, dx=1, dy=1, padding=False):
    """Apply a high-pass filter to a 2d-array.


    * **data** : _complex ndarray_ <br />

    * **cutoff** : _number, optional_ <br />
    Cutoff frequency of the tophat filter
    or standard deviation of the gaussian filter, measured in inverse units. 
    If `dx` and `dy` are 1 (default), the unit is pixels. <br />
    Default is `cutoff = 1 / 1024`.

    * **dx** : _number, optional_ <br />
    Pixel spacing. <br />
    Default is `dx = 1`. 

    * **dy** : _number, optional_ <br />
    Pixel spacing. <br />
    Default is `dy = 1`. 

    * **padding** : _boolean, optional_ <br />
    Whether to zero-pad the input. Will use mirror padding if True. <br />
    Default is `padding = True`.


    * _complex ndarray_ <br />
    ds0, ds1 = data.shape[0], data.shape[1]
    if padding:
        bdata = _extend_and_fill_mirror(data)
        bdata = data
    X = np.fft.fftfreq(bdata.shape[1], dx)
    Y = np.fft.fftfreq(bdata.shape[0], dy)
    x, y = np.meshgrid(X, Y)

    g = np.zeros_like(x)

    g[x**2 + y**2 > cutoff**2] = 1
    g[x**2 + y**2 <= cutoff**2] = 0
    Fdata = np.fft.fft2(bdata)
    FFdata = np.fft.ifft2(g * Fdata)
    if padding:
        return(FFdata[ds0:2*ds0, ds1:2*ds1])
def low_pass(data, cutoff=0.25, dx=1, dy=1, padding=False)

Apply a low-pass filter to a 2d-array.


  • data : complex ndarray

  • cutoff : number, optional
    Cutoff frequency of the tophat filter or standard deviation of the gaussian filter, measured in inverse units. If dx and dy are 1 (default), the unit is pixels.
    Default is cutoff = 1 / 4.

  • dx : number, optional
    Pixel spacing.
    Default is dx = 1.

  • dy : number, optional
    Pixel spacing.
    Default is dy = 1.

  • padding : boolean, optional
    Whether to zero-pad the input. Will use mirror padding if True.
    Default is padding = True.


  • complex ndarray
Expand source code
def low_pass(data, cutoff=1 / 4, dx=1, dy=1, padding=False):
    """Apply a low-pass filter to a 2d-array.


    * **data** : _complex ndarray_ <br />

    * **cutoff** : _number, optional_ <br />
    Cutoff frequency of the tophat filter
    or standard deviation of the gaussian filter, measured in inverse units. 
    If `dx` and `dy` are 1 (default), the unit is pixels. <br />
    Default is `cutoff = 1 / 4`.

    * **dx** : _number, optional_ <br />
    Pixel spacing. <br />
    Default is `dx = 1`. 

    * **dy** : _number, optional_ <br />
    Pixel spacing. <br />
    Default is `dy = 1`. 

    * **padding** : _boolean, optional_ <br />
    Whether to zero-pad the input. Will use mirror padding if True. <br />
    Default is `padding = True`.


    * _complex ndarray_ <br />
    ds0, ds1 = data.shape[0], data.shape[1]
    if padding:
        bdata = _extend_and_fill_mirror(data)
        bdata = data
    X = np.fft.fftfreq(bdata.shape[1], dx)
    Y = np.fft.fftfreq(bdata.shape[0], dy)
    x, y = np.meshgrid(X, Y)

    g = np.zeros_like(x)

    g[x**2 + y**2 < cutoff**2] = 1
    g[x**2 + y**2 >= cutoff**2] = 0
    Fdata = np.fft.fft2(bdata)
    FFdata = np.fft.ifft2(g * Fdata)
    if padding:
        return(FFdata[ds0:2*ds0, ds1:2*ds1])
def multi(data, opts, dx=1, dy=1)

Perform multiple filters at once, but only performs one Fourier / inverse Fourier transform.


  • data : complex ndarray

  • opts : dictionary
    A dictionary containing the processing to perform. Format is

  'gaussian_blur': {'blur_radius': n},
  'high_pass': {'cutoff': m},
  'low_pass': {'cutoff': l}

Include a filter simply by including it as a key. If a filter is included, its parameters must match the format above.

  • dx : float, optional
    Pixel spacing.
    Default is dx = 1.

  • dy : float, optional
    Pixel spacing.
    Default is dy = 1.


  • complex ndarray
Expand source code
def multi(data, opts, dx=1, dy=1):
    """Perform multiple filters at once, but only performs one Fourier / inverse Fourier transform. 

    * **data** : _complex ndarray_ <br />

    * **opts** : _dictionary_ <br />
    A dictionary containing the processing to perform. Format is 
      'gaussian_blur': {'blur_radius': n},
      'high_pass': {'cutoff': m},
      'low_pass': {'cutoff': l}
    Include a filter simply by including it as a key. If a filter is included, 
    its parameters must match the format above. 

    * **dx** : _float, optional_ <br />
    Pixel spacing. <br />
    Default is `dx = 1`.

    * **dy** : _float, optional_ <br />
    Pixel spacing. <br />
    Default is `dy = 1`.


    * _complex ndarray_ <br />
    ds0, ds1 = data.shape[0], data.shape[1]
    bdata = _extend_and_fill_mirror(data)
    X = np.fft.fftfreq(bdata.shape[1], dx)
    Y = np.fft.fftfreq(bdata.shape[0], dy)
    x, y = np.meshgrid(X, Y)
    Fdata = np.fft.fft2(bdata)
    g = np.ones_like(Fdata)
    if "gaussian_blur" in opts:
      g = g * np.exp(-2 * np.pi**2 * opts['gaussian_blur']['blur_radius']**2 * (x**2 + y**2))
    if "high_pass" in opts:
      g[x**2 + y**2 <= opts['high_pass']['cutoff']**2] = 0
    if "low_pass" in opts:
      g[x**2 + y**2 >= opts['low_pass']['cutoff']**2] = 0
    FFdata = np.fft.ifft2(g * Fdata)
    return(FFdata[ds0:2*ds0, ds1:2*ds1])
def outpath(datadir, outdir, fname, create=False)

A util to get the output filename.

An example is easiest to explain:

datadir: /abs/path/to/data

fname: /abs/path/to/data/plus/some/structure/too.dm3

outdir: /where/i/want/to/write/data

This util can create the folder (if it doesn't exist):


and return the filename:



  • datadir : string
    The directory for the experiment's data.

  • outdir : string
    The main directory where you want outputs to go.

  • fname : string
    The name of the file in datadir.

  • create : boolean, optional
    Whether to create the output directory.
    Default is create = False.


  • PurePath
    The name of the file to save (without a suffix).
Expand source code
def outpath(datadir, outdir, fname, create=False):
    """A util to get the output filename.

    An example is easiest to explain:

    datadir: `/abs/path/to/data`

    fname: `/abs/path/to/data/plus/some/structure/too.dm3`

    outdir: `/where/i/want/to/write/data`

    This util can create the folder (if it doesn't exist):


    and return the filename:



    * **datadir** : _string_ <br />
    The directory for the experiment's data.

    * **outdir** : _string_ <br />
    The main directory where you want outputs to go.

    * **fname** : _string_ <br />
    The name of the file in datadir.

    * **create** : _boolean, optional_ <br />
    Whether to create the output directory. <br />
    Default is `create = False`.


    * _PurePath_ <br />
    The name of the file to save (without a suffix).
    fname = os.path.splitext(fname)[0]
    subpath = os.path.relpath(os.path.dirname(fname), datadir)
    finoutdir = os.path.join(outdir, subpath)
    if create:
        if not os.path.exists(finoutdir):
    return(Path(os.path.join(finoutdir, os.path.basename(fname))))
def shift_pos(data)

Shift data to be positive.


  • data : ndarray
    Dtype must be real.


  • ndarray
Expand source code
def shift_pos(data):
    """Shift data to be positive.


    * **data** : _ndarray_ <br />
    Dtype must be real.


    * _ndarray_
    return(data - np.min(data))


class ndap (data, x=None, y=None)

A class that adds all the image processing methods to np.ndarray.

The purpose of this class is just so you can write myarray.high_pass().low_pass() instead of myarray = high_pass(low_pass(myarray)).

If x and y are given, then dx and dy are calculated and stored. They will default to dx = 1 and dy = 1, and will be used in low_pass(), high_pass(), etc, unless specified otherwise in the function call.


  • data : complex ndarray
    Any type of ndarray - the methods are defined with a 2d array in mind.

  • x : ndarray
    The x coordinates associated with the array data. Must be a 1-dimensional ndarray with len(x) == data.shape[1]. Note that x is associated with the second axis, to match the convention of meshgrid.

  • y : ndarray
    The y coordinates associated with the array data. Must be a 1-dimensional ndarray with 'len(y) == data.shape[0]`. Note that y is associated with the first axis, to match the convention of meshgrid.

Expand source code
class ndap(np.ndarray):
    """A class that adds all the image processing methods to `np.ndarray`.

    The purpose of this class is just so you can write `myarray.high_pass().low_pass()`
    instead of `myarray = high_pass(low_pass(myarray))`.

    If `x` and `y` are given, then `dx` and `dy` are calculated and stored. 
    They will default to `dx = 1` and `dy = 1`, and will be used in `low_pass()`, 
    `high_pass()`, etc, unless specified otherwise in the function call. 


    * **data** : _complex ndarray_ <br />
    Any type of ndarray - the methods are defined with a 2d array in mind.

    * **x** : _ndarray_ <br />
    The x coordinates associated with the array data. 
    Must be a 1-dimensional ndarray with `len(x) == data.shape[1]`. 
    Note that `x` is associated with the second axis, to match the 
    convention of `meshgrid`.

    * **y** : _ndarray_ <br />
    The y coordinates associated with the array data. 
    Must be a 1-dimensional ndarray with 'len(y) == data.shape[0]`. 
    Note that `y` is associated with the first axis, to match the 
    convention of `meshgrid`.

    ## __new__ and __array_finalize__ are directly from numpy docs
    ## their example is almost identical to this
    ## subclassing numpy arrays
    def __new__(cls, data, x=None, y=None):
        obj = np.asarray(data, dtype=data.dtype).copy().view(cls)
        if x is None:
          obj.x = np.arange(data.shape[1])
          obj.dx = obj.x[1] - obj.x[0]
          try: sel = obj.shape[1] != x.shape[0] or len(x.shape) != 1
          except: raise Exception("x must be a 1-dimensional numpy.ndarray. ")
          if sel:
            raise Exception("x shape must match the data's 1st axis. ")
          obj.x = x
          obj.dx = x[1] - x[0]
        if y is None:
          obj.y = np.arange(data.shape[0])
          obj.dy = obj.y[1] - obj.y[0]
          try: sel = obj.shape[0] != y.shape[0] or len(y.shape) != 1
          except: raise Exception("y must be a 1-dimensional numpy.ndarray. ")
          if sel:
            raise Exception("y shape must match the data's 1st axis. ")
          obj.y = y
          obj.dy = y[1] - y[0]
        obj.isComplex = np.iscomplexobj(data)
        return obj

    def __array_finalize__(self, obj):
      if obj is None: return
      self.x = getattr(obj, 'x', None)
      self.y = getattr(obj, 'y', None)
      self.dx = getattr(obj, 'dx', None)
      self.dy = getattr(obj, 'dy', None)
      self.isComplex = getattr(obj, 'isComplex', None)

    def high_pass(self, cutoff=1 / 1024, dx=None, dy=None, padding=False):
        """Apply a high-pass filter to a 2d-array.


        * **cutoff** : _number, optional_ <br />
        Cutoff frequency of the tophat filter
        or standard deviation of the gaussian filter, measured in inverse units. 
        If `dx` and `dy` are 1 (default), the unit is pixels. <br />
        Default is `cutoff = 1 / 1024`.

        * **dx** : _number, optional_ <br />
        Pixel spacing. <br />
        Default is `dx = self.dx`. 

        * **dy** : _number, optional_ <br />
        Pixel spacing. <br />
        Default is `dy = self.dy`. 

        * **padding** : _boolean, optional_ <br />
        Whether to zero-pad the input. Uses mirror padding if True. <br />
        Default is `padding = False`.


        * _ndap_ <br />
        if dx is None:
          dx = self.dx
        if dy is None:
          dy = self.dy
        if self.isComplex:
            self[:, :] = high_pass(self, cutoff, dx, dy, padding)
            self[:, :] = np.real(high_pass(self, cutoff, dx, dy, padding))

    def low_pass(self, cutoff=1 / 4, dx=None, dy=None, padding=False):
        """Apply a low-pass filter to a 2d-array.


        * **cutoff** : _number, optional_ <br />
        Cutoff frequency of the tophat filter
        or standard deviation of the gaussian filter, measured in inverse units. 
        If `dx` and `dy` are 1 (default), the unit is pixels. <br />
        Default is `cutoff = 1 / 4`.

        * **dx** : _number, optional_ <br />
        Pixel spacing. <br />
        Default is `dx = self.dx`. 

        * **dy** : _number, optional_ <br />
        Pixel spacing. <br />
        Default is `dy = self.dy`. 

        * **padding** : _boolean, optional_ <br />
        Whether to zero-pad the input. Uses mirror padding if True. <br />
        Default is `padding = False`.


        * _ndap_ <br />
        if dx is None:
          dx = self.dx
        if dy is None:
          dy = self.dy
        if self.isComplex:
            self[:, :] = low_pass(self, cutoff, dx, dy, padding)
            self[:, :] = np.real(low_pass(self, cutoff, dx, dy, padding))

    def multi(self, opts, dx=None, dy=None):
        """Perform multiple filters at once. Only performs one Fourier / inverse Fourier transform. 

        * **data** : _complex ndarray_ <br />

        * **opts** : _dictionary_ <br />
        A dictionary containing the processing to perform. Format is 
          'gaussian_blur': {'blur_radius': n},
          'high_pass': {'cutoff': m},
          'low_pass': {'cutoff': l}
        . Include a filter simply by including it as a key. If a filter is included, 
        its parameters must match the format above. 

        * **dx** : _float, optional_ <br />
        Pixel spacing. <br />
        Default is `dx = self.dx`.

        * **dy** : _float, optional_ <br />
        Pixel spacing. <br />
        Default is `dy = self.dy`.


        * _complex ndarray_ <br />
        if dx is None:
          dx = self.dx
        if dy is None:
          dy = self.dy
        if self.isComplex:
          self[:, :] = multi(self, opts, dx, dy)
          self[:, :] = np.real(multi(self, opts, dx, dy))

    def gaussian_blur(self, blur_radius=1, padding=True):
        """Apply a Gaussian blur to the data. 


        * **data** : _complex ndarray_ <br />

        * **blur_radius** : _number, optional_ <br />
        The standard deviation of the Gaussian kernel, measured in pixels. <br />
        Default is `blur_radius = 1`.

        * **padding** : _boolean, optional_ <br />
        Whether to zero-pad the input. Uses mirror padding if True. <br />
        Default is `padding = False`.


        * _ndap_ <br />
        if self.isComplex:
            self[:, :] = gaussian_blur(self, blur_radius, padding)
            self[:, :] = np.real(gaussian_blur(self, blur_radius, padding))
    def get_window(self, window, step=1):
      """Get a windowed section of data. 


      * **window** : _tuple_ <br />
      [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]. Note that these are the x and y values, not their indices. 
      Also note that the default x and y attributes of the ndap object are just its indices. 


      * _ndap_ <br />
      A 2d ndap with the windowed data and new axes.
      argxmin = np.argmin(np.abs(self.x - window[0]))
      argxmax = np.argmin(np.abs(self.x - window[1]))
      argymin = np.argmin(np.abs(self.y - window[2]))
      argymax = np.argmin(np.abs(self.y - window[3]))
      xout = self.x[argxmin:argxmax:step].copy()
      yout = self.y[argymin:argymax:step].copy()
      dout = ndap(self[argymin:argymax:step, argxmin:argxmax:step].copy(), x=xout, y=yout)

    def clip_data(self, sigma=5):
        """Clip data to a certain number of standard deviations from its average.


        * **sigma** : _number, optional_ <br />
        Number of standard deviations from average to clip to. <br />
        Default is `sigma = 5`.


        * _ndap_ <br />
        self[:, :] = clip_data(self, sigma)

    def shift_pos(self):
        """Shift data to be positive.


        * _ndap_ <br />
        if self.isComplex:
            print("Positive shift not applied to complex data.")
        self[:, :] = shift_pos(self)


  • numpy.ndarray


def clip_data(self, sigma=5)

Clip data to a certain number of standard deviations from its average.


  • sigma : number, optional
    Number of standard deviations from average to clip to.
    Default is sigma = 5.


  • ndap
Expand source code
def clip_data(self, sigma=5):
    """Clip data to a certain number of standard deviations from its average.


    * **sigma** : _number, optional_ <br />
    Number of standard deviations from average to clip to. <br />
    Default is `sigma = 5`.


    * _ndap_ <br />
    self[:, :] = clip_data(self, sigma)
def gaussian_blur(self, blur_radius=1, padding=True)

Apply a Gaussian blur to the data.


  • data : complex ndarray

  • blur_radius : number, optional
    The standard deviation of the Gaussian kernel, measured in pixels.
    Default is blur_radius = 1.

  • padding : boolean, optional
    Whether to zero-pad the input. Uses mirror padding if True.
    Default is padding = False.


  • ndap
Expand source code
def gaussian_blur(self, blur_radius=1, padding=True):
    """Apply a Gaussian blur to the data. 


    * **data** : _complex ndarray_ <br />

    * **blur_radius** : _number, optional_ <br />
    The standard deviation of the Gaussian kernel, measured in pixels. <br />
    Default is `blur_radius = 1`.

    * **padding** : _boolean, optional_ <br />
    Whether to zero-pad the input. Uses mirror padding if True. <br />
    Default is `padding = False`.


    * _ndap_ <br />
    if self.isComplex:
        self[:, :] = gaussian_blur(self, blur_radius, padding)
        self[:, :] = np.real(gaussian_blur(self, blur_radius, padding))
def get_window(self, window, step=1)

Get a windowed section of data.


  • window : tuple
    [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]. Note that these are the x and y values, not their indices. Also note that the default x and y attributes of the ndap object are just its indices.


  • ndap
    A 2d ndap with the windowed data and new axes.
Expand source code
def get_window(self, window, step=1):
  """Get a windowed section of data. 


  * **window** : _tuple_ <br />
  [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]. Note that these are the x and y values, not their indices. 
  Also note that the default x and y attributes of the ndap object are just its indices. 


  * _ndap_ <br />
  A 2d ndap with the windowed data and new axes.
  argxmin = np.argmin(np.abs(self.x - window[0]))
  argxmax = np.argmin(np.abs(self.x - window[1]))
  argymin = np.argmin(np.abs(self.y - window[2]))
  argymax = np.argmin(np.abs(self.y - window[3]))
  xout = self.x[argxmin:argxmax:step].copy()
  yout = self.y[argymin:argymax:step].copy()
  dout = ndap(self[argymin:argymax:step, argxmin:argxmax:step].copy(), x=xout, y=yout)
def high_pass(self, cutoff=0.0009765625, dx=None, dy=None, padding=False)

Apply a high-pass filter to a 2d-array.


  • cutoff : number, optional
    Cutoff frequency of the tophat filter or standard deviation of the gaussian filter, measured in inverse units. If dx and dy are 1 (default), the unit is pixels.
    Default is cutoff = 1 / 1024.

  • dx : number, optional
    Pixel spacing.
    Default is dx = self.dx.

  • dy : number, optional
    Pixel spacing.
    Default is dy = self.dy.

  • padding : boolean, optional
    Whether to zero-pad the input. Uses mirror padding if True.
    Default is padding = False.


  • ndap
Expand source code
def high_pass(self, cutoff=1 / 1024, dx=None, dy=None, padding=False):
    """Apply a high-pass filter to a 2d-array.


    * **cutoff** : _number, optional_ <br />
    Cutoff frequency of the tophat filter
    or standard deviation of the gaussian filter, measured in inverse units. 
    If `dx` and `dy` are 1 (default), the unit is pixels. <br />
    Default is `cutoff = 1 / 1024`.

    * **dx** : _number, optional_ <br />
    Pixel spacing. <br />
    Default is `dx = self.dx`. 

    * **dy** : _number, optional_ <br />
    Pixel spacing. <br />
    Default is `dy = self.dy`. 

    * **padding** : _boolean, optional_ <br />
    Whether to zero-pad the input. Uses mirror padding if True. <br />
    Default is `padding = False`.


    * _ndap_ <br />
    if dx is None:
      dx = self.dx
    if dy is None:
      dy = self.dy
    if self.isComplex:
        self[:, :] = high_pass(self, cutoff, dx, dy, padding)
        self[:, :] = np.real(high_pass(self, cutoff, dx, dy, padding))
def low_pass(self, cutoff=0.25, dx=None, dy=None, padding=False)

Apply a low-pass filter to a 2d-array.


  • cutoff : number, optional
    Cutoff frequency of the tophat filter or standard deviation of the gaussian filter, measured in inverse units. If dx and dy are 1 (default), the unit is pixels.
    Default is cutoff = 1 / 4.

  • dx : number, optional
    Pixel spacing.
    Default is dx = self.dx.

  • dy : number, optional
    Pixel spacing.
    Default is dy = self.dy.

  • padding : boolean, optional
    Whether to zero-pad the input. Uses mirror padding if True.
    Default is padding = False.


  • ndap
Expand source code
def low_pass(self, cutoff=1 / 4, dx=None, dy=None, padding=False):
    """Apply a low-pass filter to a 2d-array.


    * **cutoff** : _number, optional_ <br />
    Cutoff frequency of the tophat filter
    or standard deviation of the gaussian filter, measured in inverse units. 
    If `dx` and `dy` are 1 (default), the unit is pixels. <br />
    Default is `cutoff = 1 / 4`.

    * **dx** : _number, optional_ <br />
    Pixel spacing. <br />
    Default is `dx = self.dx`. 

    * **dy** : _number, optional_ <br />
    Pixel spacing. <br />
    Default is `dy = self.dy`. 

    * **padding** : _boolean, optional_ <br />
    Whether to zero-pad the input. Uses mirror padding if True. <br />
    Default is `padding = False`.


    * _ndap_ <br />
    if dx is None:
      dx = self.dx
    if dy is None:
      dy = self.dy
    if self.isComplex:
        self[:, :] = low_pass(self, cutoff, dx, dy, padding)
        self[:, :] = np.real(low_pass(self, cutoff, dx, dy, padding))
def multi(self, opts, dx=None, dy=None)

Perform multiple filters at once. Only performs one Fourier / inverse Fourier transform.


  • data : complex ndarray

  • opts : dictionary
    A dictionary containing the processing to perform. Format is

  'gaussian_blur': {'blur_radius': n},
  'high_pass': {'cutoff': m},
  'low_pass': {'cutoff': l}

. Include a filter simply by including it as a key. If a filter is included, its parameters must match the format above.

  • dx : float, optional
    Pixel spacing.
    Default is dx = self.dx.

  • dy : float, optional
    Pixel spacing.
    Default is dy = self.dy.


  • complex ndarray
Expand source code
def multi(self, opts, dx=None, dy=None):
    """Perform multiple filters at once. Only performs one Fourier / inverse Fourier transform. 

    * **data** : _complex ndarray_ <br />

    * **opts** : _dictionary_ <br />
    A dictionary containing the processing to perform. Format is 
      'gaussian_blur': {'blur_radius': n},
      'high_pass': {'cutoff': m},
      'low_pass': {'cutoff': l}
    . Include a filter simply by including it as a key. If a filter is included, 
    its parameters must match the format above. 

    * **dx** : _float, optional_ <br />
    Pixel spacing. <br />
    Default is `dx = self.dx`.

    * **dy** : _float, optional_ <br />
    Pixel spacing. <br />
    Default is `dy = self.dy`.


    * _complex ndarray_ <br />
    if dx is None:
      dx = self.dx
    if dy is None:
      dy = self.dy
    if self.isComplex:
      self[:, :] = multi(self, opts, dx, dy)
      self[:, :] = np.real(multi(self, opts, dx, dy))
def shift_pos(self)

Shift data to be positive.


  • ndap
Expand source code
def shift_pos(self):
    """Shift data to be positive.


    * _ndap_ <br />
    if self.isComplex:
        print("Positive shift not applied to complex data.")
    self[:, :] = shift_pos(self)